Usage Statistics for Atlantic City Free Public Library

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 22-Oct-2024 03:10 -00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 214523
Total Files 172524
Total Pages 184984
Total Visits 68997
Total KBytes 4418536
Total Unique Sites 25085
Total Unique URLs 3798
Total Unique Referrers 4001
Total Unique User Agents 4613
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 406 5444
Hits per Day 9751 15233
Files per Day 7842 10408
Pages per Day 8408 11049
Sites per Day 1140 2772
Visits per Day 3136 4056
KBytes per Day 200843 448895
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 14
Code 200 - OK 80.42% 172524
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 18
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 25
Code 303 - See Other 0.78% 1678
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.11% 233
Code 400 - Bad Request 1.12% 2407
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.68% 7898
Code 404 - Not Found 12.64% 27109
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 2
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.54% 1148
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.68% 1466

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 8513 3.97% 7037 4.08% 7778 4.20% 3035 4.40% 2039 8.13% 126357 2.86%
2 8641 4.03% 7614 4.41% 7597 4.11% 3100 4.49% 2230 8.89% 273920 6.20%
3 11440 5.33% 9495 5.50% 9754 5.27% 3748 5.43% 2323 9.26% 142757 3.23%
4 12104 5.64% 10408 6.03% 10701 5.78% 3849 5.58% 2455 9.79% 248082 5.61%
5 8939 4.17% 7837 4.54% 8109 4.38% 3325 4.82% 2139 8.53% 122110 2.76%
6 8656 4.03% 7570 4.39% 7892 4.27% 3411 4.94% 2084 8.31% 107751 2.44%
7 9227 4.30% 8012 4.64% 8152 4.41% 3388 4.91% 2198 8.76% 223097 5.05%
8 10238 4.77% 8847 5.13% 8905 4.81% 3645 5.28% 2708 10.80% 233881 5.29%
9 9220 4.30% 7652 4.44% 7897 4.27% 3474 5.04% 2427 9.68% 226842 5.13%
10 11863 5.53% 10213 5.92% 10719 5.79% 2998 4.35% 2003 7.98% 147598 3.34%
11 7921 3.69% 6838 3.96% 7144 3.86% 2726 3.95% 1760 7.02% 142944 3.24%
12 9263 4.32% 7968 4.62% 8323 4.50% 2797 4.05% 1840 7.34% 235773 5.34%
13 8637 4.03% 7214 4.18% 7582 4.10% 2609 3.78% 1659 6.61% 129340 2.93%
14 9969 4.65% 8313 4.82% 8680 4.69% 3224 4.67% 2282 9.10% 271031 6.13%
15 15233 7.10% 7084 4.11% 11049 5.97% 2879 4.17% 1818 7.25% 448895 10.16%
16 9338 4.35% 7645 4.43% 7999 4.32% 3018 4.37% 2035 8.11% 252920 5.72%
17 12173 5.67% 8363 4.85% 9748 5.27% 3211 4.65% 2084 8.31% 236955 5.36%
18 9634 4.49% 8154 4.73% 8354 4.52% 3252 4.71% 2186 8.71% 131518 2.98%
19 8057 3.76% 6997 4.06% 7159 3.87% 2951 4.28% 1914 7.63% 214327 4.85%
20 11294 5.26% 8360 4.85% 9236 4.99% 4056 5.88% 2423 9.66% 152195 3.44%
21 12064 5.62% 9444 5.47% 10479 5.66% 3987 5.78% 2772 11.05% 184829 4.18%
22 2099 0.98% 1459 0.85% 1727 0.93% 709 1.03% 844 3.36% 165415 3.74%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 358 7881 3.67% 287 6332 3.67% 295 6490 3.51% 23122 508684 11.51%
1 449 9885 4.61% 394 8674 5.03% 404 8900 4.81% 10325 227153 5.14%
2 404 8894 4.15% 339 7460 4.32% 359 7904 4.27% 5756 126636 2.87%
3 362 7977 3.72% 312 6865 3.98% 323 7123 3.85% 8583 188818 4.27%
4 345 7603 3.54% 299 6594 3.82% 306 6752 3.65% 13491 296811 6.72%
5 365 8043 3.75% 311 6859 3.98% 323 7114 3.85% 5204 114498 2.59%
6 397 8739 4.07% 335 7377 4.28% 357 7863 4.25% 7446 163813 3.71%
7 374 8239 3.84% 295 6498 3.77% 338 7450 4.03% 5253 115577 2.62%
8 413 9102 4.24% 302 6645 3.85% 362 7983 4.32% 4843 106552 2.41%
9 418 9202 4.29% 330 7277 4.22% 352 7745 4.19% 6231 137092 3.10%
10 353 7773 3.62% 302 6654 3.86% 313 6896 3.73% 11785 259266 5.87%
11 362 7977 3.72% 310 6836 3.96% 318 7004 3.79% 8755 192614 4.36%
12 406 8942 4.17% 354 7809 4.53% 363 7989 4.32% 6842 150534 3.41%
13 429 9455 4.41% 351 7740 4.49% 363 8001 4.33% 6300 138607 3.14%
14 411 9046 4.22% 329 7252 4.20% 346 7629 4.12% 5373 118212 2.68%
15 444 9785 4.56% 387 8519 4.94% 400 8819 4.77% 6187 136110 3.08%
16 434 9569 4.46% 344 7584 4.40% 371 8182 4.42% 5250 115507 2.61%
17 416 9158 4.27% 360 7934 4.60% 368 8101 4.38% 10269 225928 5.11%
18 454 10003 4.66% 359 7909 4.58% 371 8174 4.42% 9613 211487 4.79%
19 371 8169 3.81% 304 6692 3.88% 326 7185 3.88% 5377 118302 2.68%
20 496 10922 5.09% 333 7346 4.26% 416 9166 4.96% 5449 119881 2.71%
21 564 12427 5.79% 293 6456 3.74% 417 9182 4.96% 15624 343725 7.78%
22 371 8174 3.81% 324 7147 4.14% 325 7169 3.88% 4848 106652 2.41%
23 343 7558 3.52% 275 6065 3.52% 280 6163 3.33% 8913 196078 4.44%

Top 30 of 3798 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 38544 17.97% 555460 12.57% /
2 5578 2.60% 59876 1.36% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 4142 1.93% 93975 2.13% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 2933 1.37% 9804 0.22% /administrator/components/com_zhgooglemap/assets/css/common.css
5 2784 1.30% 98870 2.24% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 2719 1.27% 30424 0.69% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 2703 1.26% 22800 0.52% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
8 2610 1.22% 17572 0.40% /component/search/
9 1800 0.84% 19942 0.45% /component/content/article.html
10 1554 0.72% 50047 1.13% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
11 1528 0.71% 9319 0.21% /manage-your-acfpl-account/student-ecard-application.html
12 1194 0.56% 12019 0.27% /manage-your-acfpl-account/acboe-teacher-s-ecard.html
13 1103 0.51% 11199 0.25% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
14 954 0.44% 8128 0.18% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html
15 946 0.44% 2035 0.05% /manage-your-acfpl-account/intranet.html
16 852 0.40% 8056 0.18% /about-us-new/get-a-library-ecard.html
17 850 0.40% 6532 0.15% /about-us-new/contact-acfpl.html
18 817 0.38% 2267 0.05% /favicon.ico
19 788 0.37% 6059 0.14% /about-us-new/become-a-member.html
20 733 0.34% 7377 0.17% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories/556-october-is-american-archives-month.html
21 705 0.33% 4655 0.11% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories/555-library-services-survey.html
22 694 0.32% 4533 0.10% /about-us-new/board-of-trustees-menu.html
23 675 0.31% 5258 0.12% /about-us-new/lost-found-policy.html
24 662 0.31% 4398 0.10% /about-us-new/holiday-closings-menu.html
25 653 0.30% 5507 0.12% /about-us-new/library-history.html
26 651 0.30% 4223 0.10% /about-us-new/library-funding.html
27 648 0.30% 23261 0.53% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
28 627 0.29% 4095 0.09% /about-us-new/library-policies-procedures.html
29 608 0.28% 4751 0.11% /events-menu/library-news-rss-feed.html
30 593 0.28% 4093 0.09% /about-us-new/board-of-trustees-menu/2023-09-19-17-59-20.html

Top 10 of 3798 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 38544 17.97% 555460 12.57% /
2 49 0.02% 186929 4.23% /files/discovery/MayJune2013web.pdf
3 25 0.01% 112792 2.55% /files/discovery/MarchApril2013web.pdf
4 2784 1.30% 98870 2.24% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
5 4142 1.93% 93975 2.13% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
6 32 0.01% 85919 1.94% /files/discovery/JanFeb2007.pdf
7 20 0.01% 82881 1.88% /files/discovery/mayjuneweb2 2011.pdf
8 19 0.01% 77870 1.76% /files/discovery/JulyAugust2011web.pdf
9 21 0.01% 75451 1.71% /files/discovery/MayJune2012web.pdf
10 27 0.01% 75237 1.70% /files/discovery/november-december2007.pdf

Top 10 of 2521 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 38544 17.97% 17982 27.57% /
2 5578 2.60% 2087 3.20% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 4142 1.93% 1291 1.98% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 1554 0.72% 1232 1.89% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
5 2784 1.30% 1172 1.80% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 2719 1.27% 988 1.51% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 1103 0.51% 816 1.25% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
8 2703 1.26% 781 1.20% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
9 1800 0.84% 704 1.08% /component/content/article.html
10 954 0.44% 522 0.80% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 10 of 2447 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 38544 17.97% 17552 27.30% /
2 5578 2.60% 2142 3.33% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 4142 1.93% 1495 2.33% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 2784 1.30% 1183 1.84% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
5 1554 0.72% 1175 1.83% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
6 2719 1.27% 1023 1.59% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 1103 0.51% 802 1.25% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
8 1800 0.84% 702 1.09% /component/content/article.html
9 2703 1.26% 618 0.96% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
10 954 0.44% 586 0.91% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 30 of 25085 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6699 3.12% 198 0.11% 233408 5.28% 3 0.00%
2 2607 1.22% 2272 1.32% 11260 0.25% 58 0.08%
3 2154 1.00% 2110 1.22% 16679 0.38% 277 0.40%
4 2135 1.00% 2089 1.21% 16866 0.38% 251 0.36%
5 2126 0.99% 2078 1.20% 16655 0.38% 274 0.40%
6 2123 0.99% 2078 1.20% 16715 0.38% 255 0.37%
7 2092 0.98% 2044 1.18% 16484 0.37% 261 0.38%
8 2081 0.97% 2038 1.18% 16048 0.36% 276 0.40%
9 2070 0.96% 2021 1.17% 16100 0.36% 269 0.39%
10 2068 0.96% 2005 1.16% 16380 0.37% 286 0.41%
11 2064 0.96% 2016 1.17% 16507 0.37% 288 0.42%
12 2056 0.96% 2014 1.17% 16961 0.38% 264 0.38%
13 2049 0.96% 2011 1.17% 16289 0.37% 281 0.41%
14 2043 0.95% 1998 1.16% 16278 0.37% 293 0.42%
15 2040 0.95% 1992 1.15% 16150 0.37% 282 0.41%
16 2030 0.95% 1990 1.15% 15443 0.35% 302 0.44%
17 2018 0.94% 1974 1.14% 16120 0.36% 285 0.41%
18 2004 0.93% 1952 1.13% 15374 0.35% 290 0.42%
19 1973 0.92% 1916 1.11% 15035 0.34% 293 0.42%
20 1970 0.92% 1925 1.12% 15878 0.36% 281 0.41%
21 1952 0.91% 1920 1.11% 15359 0.35% 293 0.42%
22 1887 0.88% 1851 1.07% 14628 0.33% 293 0.42%
23 1753 0.82% 1753 1.02% 70380 1.59% 9 0.01%
24 1685 0.79% 1371 0.79% 12218 0.28% 1 0.00%
25 1565 0.73% 64 0.04% 706 0.02% 2 0.00%
26 1559 0.73% 1434 0.83% 10110 0.23% 5 0.01%
27 1521 0.71% 1521 0.88% 10858 0.25% 126 0.18%
28 1336 0.62% 1336 0.77% 53700 1.22% 4 0.01%
29 1152 0.54% 1077 0.62% 40517 0.92% 313 0.45%
30 1089 0.51% 1018 0.59% 26529 0.60% 312 0.45%

Top 10 of 25085 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6699 3.12% 198 0.11% 233408 5.28% 3 0.00%
2 49 0.02% 49 0.03% 100371 2.27% 1 0.00%
3 45 0.02% 45 0.03% 97146 2.20% 1 0.00%
4 40 0.02% 40 0.02% 97131 2.20% 0 0.00%
5 35 0.02% 35 0.02% 86228 1.95% 0 0.00%
6 36 0.02% 36 0.02% 85592 1.94% 0 0.00%
7 96 0.04% 96 0.06% 81625 1.85% 1 0.00%
8 31 0.01% 31 0.02% 76911 1.74% 0 0.00%
9 604 0.28% 550 0.32% 72839 1.65% 270 0.39%
10 39 0.02% 39 0.02% 72603 1.64% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 4001 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 185500 86.47% - (Direct Request)
2 2955 1.38%
3 2052 0.96%
4 1849 0.86%
5 901 0.42%
6 755 0.35%
7 609 0.28%
8 556 0.26%
9 482 0.22%
10 478 0.22%
11 477 0.22%
12 409 0.19%
13 343 0.16%
14 324 0.15%
15 300 0.14%
16 279 0.13%
17 250 0.12%
18 241 0.11%
19 226 0.11%
20 225 0.10%
21 220 0.10%
22 219 0.10%
23 212 0.10%
24 191 0.09%
25 177 0.08%
26 175 0.08%
27 161 0.08%
28 148 0.07%
29 145 0.07%
30 134 0.06%

Top 20 of 45 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 14 17.50%
2 9 11.25%
3 4 5.00% anthonypanico e-mail: @ site:
4 4 5.00%
5 3 3.75%
6 3 3.75%
7 3 3.75%
8 3 3.75%
9 1 1.25%
10 1 1.25%
11 1 1.25%
12 1 1.25%
13 1 1.25%
14 1 1.25%
15 1 1.25%
16 1 1.25%
17 1 1.25%
18 1 1.25%
19 1 1.25%
20 1 1.25%

Top 15 of 4613 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 42358 19.75% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 13750 6.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
3 11872 5.53% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0
4 10803 5.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 8902 4.15% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
6 6730 3.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
7 6502 3.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.89 Mobile
8 6377 2.97% Mozilla/5.0 [en] (X11, U; OpenVAS-VT 9.0.3)
9 4157 1.94% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
10 3846 1.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
11 3422 1.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0
12 3203 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
13 3051 1.42% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
14 2972 1.39% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
15 2879 1.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 214523 100.00% 172542 100.01% 4418536 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23